
`bun init`

Scaffold an empty Bun project with the interactive bun init command.

$ bun init
bun init helps you get started with a minimal project and tries to
guess sensible defaults. Press ^C anytime to quit.

package name (quickstart):
entry point (index.ts):

Done! A package.json file was saved in the current directory.
+ index.ts
+ .gitignore
+ tsconfig.json (for editor auto-complete)

To get started, run:
bun run index.ts

Press enter to accept the default answer for each prompt, or pass the -y flag to auto-accept the defaults.

How bun init works

bun init is a quick way to start a blank project with Bun. It guesses with sane defaults and is non-destructive when run multiple times.


It creates:

  • a package.json file with a name that defaults to the current directory name
  • a tsconfig.json file or a jsconfig.json file, depending if the entry point is a TypeScript file or not
  • an entry point which defaults to index.ts unless any of index.{tsx, jsx, js, mts, mjs} exist or the package.json specifies a module or main field
  • a README.md file

If you pass -y or --yes, it will assume you want to continue without asking questions.

At the end, it runs bun install to install @types/bun.