

Packages on npm can define lifecycle scripts in their package.json. Some of the most common are below, but there are many others.

  • preinstall: Runs before the package is installed
  • postinstall: Runs after the package is installed
  • preuninstall: Runs before the package is uninstalled
  • prepublishOnly: Runs before the package is published

These scripts are arbitrary shell commands that the package manager is expected to read and execute at the appropriate time. But executing arbitrary scripts represents a potential security risk, so—unlike other npm clients—Bun does not execute arbitrary lifecycle scripts by default.


The postinstall script is particularly important. It's widely used to build or install platform-specific binaries for packages that are implemented as native Node.js add-ons. For example, node-sass is a popular package that uses postinstall to build a native binary for Sass.

"name": "my-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"node-sass": "^6.0.1"


Instead of executing arbitrary scripts, Bun uses a "default-secure" approach. You can add certain packages to an allow list, and Bun will execute lifecycle scripts for those packages. To tell Bun to allow lifecycle scripts for a particular package, add the package name to trustedDependencies array in your package.json.

"name": "my-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
+ "trustedDependencies": ["node-sass"]

Once added to trustedDependencies, install/re-install the package. Bun will read this field and run lifecycle scripts for my-trusted-package.

As of Bun v1.0.16, the top 500 npm packages with lifecycle scripts are allowed by default. You can see the full list here.


To disable lifecycle scripts for all packages, use the --ignore-scripts flag.

$ bun install --ignore-scripts