

The default registry is registry.npmjs.org. This can be globally configured in bunfig.toml:

# set default registry as a string
registry = "https://registry.npmjs.org"
# set a token
registry = { url = "https://registry.npmjs.org", token = "123456" }
# set a username/password
registry = "https://username:password@registry.npmjs.org"

To configure a private registry scoped to a particular organization:

# registry as string
"@myorg1" = "https://username:password@registry.myorg.com/"

# registry with username/password
# you can reference environment variables
"@myorg2" = { username = "myusername", password = "$NPM_PASS", url = "https://registry.myorg.com/" }

# registry with token
"@myorg3" = { token = "$npm_token", url = "https://registry.myorg.com/" }


Bun does not currently read .npmrc files. For private registries, migrate your registry configuration to bunfig.toml as documented above.